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M I G R A C I Ó N  S O S

Immigrants arrive in the US with a dream, often persecuted or escaping from countries that are in political or economic chaos. Migracion SOS wants these immigrants to be able to see their dreams come through, legally in America. In this sense, our mission is to become a company that gives them confidence and support in their lifetime in this country.

family  playing
Doctor and Patient
A L Ó   M É D I C O

ALÓ MEDICO, es una aplicación móvil y web que te permite tener consultas medicas telefónicas desde la comodidad de tu hogar en forma rápida y simple. Con Aló Médico, podrás resolver todas las consultas médicas con profesionales licenciados en Estados Unidos. Además nuestro servicio pone a tu disposición, este mismo servicio para tus seres queridos en el extranjero. (México, República Dominicana, Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador, resto de Centro y Sud América).

A L L O Y   F U Z E


Empresa tecnológica que desarrolla productos y servicios innovadores B2B y B2C orientados a resolver problemas comerciales del mundo real.

Glowing Keyboard
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O N E   C O .

One Co is a company that launches products that turns undrinkable water into drinkable water for everyone to protect the oceans from plastic waste and to bring water to everyone who needs it.

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